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Invisibile e vitale – Lc 13, 18-21

Invisibile e vitale – Lc 13, 18-21

In quel tempo, diceva Gesù: «A che cosa è simile il regno di Dio, e a che cosa lo posso paragonare? È simile a un granello di senape, che un uomo prese e gettò nel suo giardino; crebbe, divenne un albero e gli uccelli del cielo vennero a fare il nido fra i suoi rami».E disse ancora: «A che cosa posso paragonare il regno di Dio? È simile al lievito, che una donna prese e mescolò in tre misure di…

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La pazienza di Dio – Lc 13,1-9

La pazienza di Dio – Lc 13,1-9

So, Jesus basically tells folks that bad stuff happens to everyone, not just to “sinners.” He uses real-life events to make his point and shares a parable about a patient gardener who hopes a fruitless tree will finally produce. God’s love is all about giving us time and mercy, not punishment.

Fermissima fiducia – Lc 12,54-59

Fermissima fiducia – Lc 12,54-59

Jesus pointed out how people can predict the weather but fail to read the signs of the times. Pope John XXIII called for the Second Vatican Council to inspire hope amid dark times, encouraging a positive view of history rather than a catastrophic outlook. The Church needs to embrace that spirit today.

Fuoco e strappo – Lc 12,49-53

Fuoco e strappo – Lc 12,49-53

In quel tempo, Gesù disse ai suoi discepoli:«Sono venuto a gettare fuoco sulla terra, e quanto vorrei che fosse già acceso! Ho un battesimo nel quale sarò battezzato, e come sono angosciato finché non sia compiuto!Pensate che io sia venuto a portare pace sulla terra? No, io vi dico, ma divisione. D’ora innanzi, se in una famiglia vi sono cinque persone, saranno divisi tre contro due e due contro tre; si divideranno padre contro figlio e figlio contro padre, madre…

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Ricchezza causa di guerre – Lc 12,13-21

Ricchezza causa di guerre – Lc 12,13-21

So, there’s this story where someone asks Jesus to sort out a family inheritance dispute. He tells them to be wary of greed since life isn’t just about possessions. He shares a tale about a rich guy hoarding wealth, only to find out that none of it matters when life is over. The real point? Sharing and love are what truly matter.

Libertà invalicabile – Lc 12,8-12

Libertà invalicabile – Lc 12,8-12

So, the post talks about Jesus telling his disciples that they can choose to believe in Him or not, but their decisions have consequences. It emphasizes that while God wants us to be free, rejecting Him creates a barrier that even His mercy can’t cross. Ultimately, it’s all about how we use our freedom.

Il germe e l’inizio – Lc 10,1-9

Il germe e l’inizio – Lc 10,1-9

So, this passage is about Jesus sending out 72 disciples to spread the word of God. He tells them to be humble, not to bring extra stuff, and to share peace and healing. The Church’s mission is to announce God’s kingdom to everyone, focusing on simplicity and kindness in their approach.

Una pietra sopra – Lc 11,47-54

Una pietra sopra – Lc 11,47-54

So basically, the text discusses how people often honor the prophets while ignoring the wrongs of the past. It emphasizes the importance of humility and understanding our own flaws and those of our parents. Instead of covering up issues, we should acknowledge them to rebuild on a stronger foundation.

Nulla è perfetto – Lc 11,42-46

Nulla è perfetto – Lc 11,42-46

So, this piece is all about how religion can be a double-edged sword. It points out the hypocrisy of folks who focus on rules but neglect love and justice. The inner voice nudges us to do good, but rigid laws can drown it out. Ultimately, the gospel brings back joy and genuine connection with others.
